Saturday, July 28, 2012


So friday came along and it was a great day. i met for coffee with tim at hotshots! we had a nice chat and it was lovely to catch up.
its called a strung out squirrel and its super good! :)
afterwards i went to idlewild park and met up with maddie and ang!
afterwords shannon and rebecca came and we played guitar, and just hung out and relaxed!
 im playing guitar
 angelas playing!
 maddie and shannon being crazy!
becs playing guitar also!
we than went to this place and got some yummy frozen yogurt than off to MCD's to get some food we than went to em and becs house and we hung out, played balderdash for abit. kailee came and joined for a bit and we ended up watching sisterhood of the travelling pants! such a  cute movie! and than katie took me for a drive in her new vehicle and we ended up just having a great talk about relationships, guys...stuff like that and it was just super awesome and so good. i def needed something like that with a girl like katie, strong in her faith, who gets me so well. especially since im in a new era of my life so it was helpful to get knowledge from someone who has been in the same water as me as these areas currently are completly uncharted for me as if you've read before i kinda have a guy now so its a whole different ball game. and than i went home and slept. the next day em picked me up and we went out for timmys, hung out in zellars. i got 100$ worth of stuff, since there going out of buisness they have a bunch of great deals! and than we went to get cheesy garlic fingers! :) so good!!!
they were so good! we were super happy about them! as you can tell from our faces! haha and than i just hung out at home and than went to hang out with sydney and kristy for a bit. that was nice. i met their boyfriends and they seem cool. we watched school of rock while waiting for supper than we ate, stir fry and rice! so good! kristy is an amazing cool! we than watched the newest louis giglio video. i highly highly reccommend him! he is so good! such a good one. than i went home and explored various apps for my android and than off to bed as tomorow i have a long day ahead of me. 6 hrs of travelling...wahoo!

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