Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Did Happen!?

So yesterday on Wed the 11th I was off to my soccer game. And everything was awesome, than less than 5 minutes of playing me and this other girl collided legs and for me, I heard a crack and than lots of searing pain happend and I tried to walk but so painful I fell down and couldnt put anypressure on it! so the guys that came to watch(guys that have a gf on the soccer team) came to get me and pretty much lifted me off the field. Parrin than ended up driving me to the hospital and it took a while for us to get in, I was in this super uncomfortable shopping cart looking thing!
thats me getting ready to go into the hopsital! so we got there and filled out papers and it was a while wait to finally get an xray. It was super painful as they made me turn my foot different ways. Worst expereince ever! But after we found out it was broken and I needed a cast. So I have this pretty blue cast on and I get the joy of using crutches!
coming out of the hopsital! So they said they were gonna give me pain meds but they never did so I was in super loads of pain and had nothing to take apart from tylenol which does something but not really anything at the same time. It didnt help. So I got home, started bawling my eyes out becuase ima gonna be out for 8-12 weeks and i cant finish my soccer season, run my 10k on sunday, do the half marathon in Oct and I cant work. So really I cant do anything at all and it sucks becuase im super active and this kills me to have to just sit around. Plus i fail at using crutches and there not the easiest thing to use. both my legs get exhausted really fast when im using them. its not fun. and so that was my wed. well here comes some fun recovery time!!!

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